Power Up Your Underwriting Excellence with UnderwriteMe and ExamOne

Thanks for your interest in learning more about UnderwriteMe’s collaboration with ExamOne. 

Read more below, or fill out the contact form to start a conversation with our team.

UnderwriteMe and ExamOne collaborate to help carriers Instantly assess risk, make confident underwriting decisions, and deliver better experiences for customers

Powerful Engine Output

Underwriting Summary
Provides final Underwriting recommendation + qualitative and quantitative evaluations

Risk/Rule Overview

Provides the exact debit/credits that contributed to the underwriting decision recommendation in the summary

Risk/Rule Detail

Offers the specific dates, and contributing LOINCs or outcomes that triggered a rule to fire. Takes the guesswork out of the explainability of a recommendation, and eliminates the need for an underwriter to search for the exact findings that caused the underwriting decision recommendation

*Summary report sample provided by ExamOne for concept visualization

Underwriting Summary

Provides final underwriting recommendation + qualitative and quantitative evaluations

UnderwriteMe and ExamOne webinar:
"Unlocking Underwriting Excellence Together”

Want to learn more? 

Watch our recent webinar “Unlocking Underwriting Excellence Together” and learn more about how we are bringing our world-class technology and ExamOne’s leading suite of health data together to elevate confidence in complex underwriting automation. “Watch the webinar replay”